Without command on the language can you propagate your message with confidence and clarity to your staff, partners, clients and to the public? Can any presentation be possible without the confidence to speak in public?
Public speaking skill is important to leadership. As a leader you need the skills to persuade others, to form a team, to build your image and to gain a respectful position in an organization.
For the success of an individual or the organisation alround and effective presentation skills are priceless. The training brings out the best in the candidate so that he has best level of confidence, fluency in speech, diction, style, and in relating experiences, using humor plus good presentation aids. The way you deliver your speech is the factor that attributes to your success as a successful speaker.
Our public speaking program hones your skills to make an impact on audience. How the speaker prepares, organises and delivers his speech is important but how he carries himself adds value. A speaker must not only present the topic but present himself also effectively.
Course Duration: 60 Days
Teaching Hours: 2 Hrs Daily (Monday to Saturday)